Dragons of Draegonia Read online

Page 5


  In the Pink

  Dragon Pink also had heard the alarm for the second time that day and she could see once again the flashing blue light situated high on the volcano, silhouetted against the late night sky. Pink, earlier that evening, had gone for a walk to practice her dance routine she was too embarrassed to do in front of other dragons. She was the youngest and smallest of all the dragons. She had very soft pink skin, a small tail and trim body. Her dragon head was also small and roundish with two bright blue eyes either side of a squat snout that displayed a very cute smile. Dragon Pink did not frighten anyone or anything. This was just as well for as she danced in the moonlight she moved closer and closer towards some very large rocks where four children were fast asleep.

  George woke up rubbing his left leg that had pins and needles in it. He had been sleeping quite heavily when he was awoken by two noises. The first was a clang, clang of a bell in the distance, the second a noise of something moving close by in the blackness. “Wake up” he said pulling at Grace and prodding Joel. “Do you hear that?” he whispered. “Hear what?” Zach said loudly, rubbing his eyes. “Shush!” Grace responded putting her hand over Zach’s mouth. “What is it?” she whispered. “I don’t know but it is getting closer” George replied searching in the bag that lay beneath Joel’s feet. George’s hand grabbed a torch and with one movement he pointed and switched it on, its fine bright spot light swept left and right. Joel and Zach followed the beam with their eyes straining into the darkness to see what had made the noise. Grace stood behind them clutching the flare gun used earlier that day against Dragon White. All four children remained very quiet hardly breathing, waiting for what they believed were fierce dragons about to attack them.

  Dragon Pink was just finishing the last of her triple pirouettes; her tiny feet thudding on the hard ground when out of nowhere shone a brilliant white light encircling her and her performance. Somewhat surprised she stopped her interpretation of ‘Dragon Swan Lake’ and stared into the light. Her two little eyes became smaller, reacting to the light as it passed her by. The bright beam paused then came back and shot off into the opposite direction. It stopped again and this time slowly came back to where she was crouching. What was this thing? Pink became quite worried and started to stand up on her back legs to peer into the direction where the light had come from.

  George could not believe his eyes. Grace started to laugh. Joel crouched in amazement mouth open, unable to say anything and Zach rubbed his eyes in disbelief. “Shush Grace” George said quietly. “Is that a dragon?” Grace enquired, still trying to suppress another giggle. “I think so” George replied. “But what’s it doing wearing a ballet skirt and is that a tiara on its head?” cried Grace. Joel had now closed his mouth and also started to laugh followed by Zach, Grace and George. All four were laughing so much that they had not realised the dragon was now walking slowly towards them.

  Dragon Pink could not understand what was making the light appear. Whatever it was it made peculiar noises and it was coming from where there were some large rocks. Dragon Pink slowly walked across to where the four intrepid explorers were in fits of laughter pointing at Dragon Pink. In between the laughs Dragon Pink could make out voices and to her amazement understood what was being said. Tears started to appear in Dragon Pinks eyes as she realised that these little things were making fun of her. They seemed to be pointing to her tiara and skirt and making unkind remarks. Dragon Pink sat down right in front of the children and with a shake of the head rid herself of her tears, and in a quiet low pitch voice said “It is not nice to make fun of dragons.” The children abruptly stopped laughing.

  “Did you speak?” Grace asked, looking at the dragon. “Yes, it is not nice to make fun of me, I am very upset, I do have feelings you know.” George looked at the dragon rubbed his eyes and pinched himself. No, he was not dreaming, yet this dragon had actually spoken to them. “Wow!” Joel exclaimed “a talking dragon, wait until I tell them about this at school.” Zach moved closer to the dragon and pinched her soft pink scaly skin. “It’s real” he exclaimed. “Ouch” Pink cried. “Who are you? What are you?”

  Grace felt sorry for laughing and apologised profusely. “Leave it alone Zach” she commanded. Joel nodded in agreement as George went closer and with a nervous finger prodded the dragon to also make sure it was real. “That’s George, I am Grace and these are my brothers Joel and Zach,” Grace said in a cool clear crisp voice. “We are from a place called England. Our parents let us go sailing but we got caught in a very bad storm, our boat sank and we ended up here.”

  George seeing that there was no imminent danger from this strange night visitor offered it a drink pouring the last of their water into a large plastic bag retrieved from the survival box. The pink dragon with one lick took all the water and smiled. Her smile was warm and gentle and the four immediately knew they were in no danger.

  Joel shivered, “Please don’t be frightened,” the pink dragon said. Joel responded indignantly, “I’m not, I am just very cold.” The embers of the fire that had helped to keep the children warm had long gone out. The dragon could see that these four funny looking little things were friendly but in the blackness of night were indeed cold. Dragon Pink recommended that they find some smooth round rocks and place them where the fire had been. Before Grace could question why, the two lads started carrying several stones that had been close to the entrance of their new camp. Grace looked on thinking that everyone had lost their minds. George placed the last stone on the pile that now completely covered the old fire and asked. “What are we doing this for?” Pink did not answer instead she took a deep breath and fired a red hot blast towards the stones. Her flames grew brighter and brighter creating a deep blue and purple glow. Within seconds the pile of stones so carefully placed by the two boys, first glowed red, and then white hot, giving off tremendous heat. The three children sat round the glowing stones and beckoned the dragon to join them. Dragon Pink trotted forward and sat down to a barrage of questions.

  Grace wanted to know where the dragon lived, did she have a family. George was interested to learn where they were, and could she help them get off the island. Joel’s tummy rumbled as he asked where they might get some food.

  Dragon Pink was great company; she explained that the noise and the flashing blue light that they had seen would have been set off by the ‘Dragon Police’. She told the children about Draegonia and all about Dragon Black, the Council of Dragons and how none of the dragons, except Dragon Black could fly. “Why can’t the other dragons fly?” Joel asked. Dragon Pink, embarrassed, shuffled her front paws and flicked two tiny wings that had been hidden until now from her sides. Because Pink was so young, her wings were intact, but too small to assist her to fly. The children watched as she started to flap each little wing in turn. Dragon Pink went on to explain that when dragons reach a certain age their wings are clipped at the root to prevent them from flying.

  “That’s terrible” cried Grace.” “But why?” piped up George who was tidying up the makeshift shelter to provide room for all of them to sleep. Dragon Pink’s eyes glazed over as she bowed her head forward so as not to let anyone else other than the children hear what she was about to say. “Dragon Black does not want any of us to leave. He has all the Dragons of Draegonia looking after him, we are no more than his slaves.”

  Dragon Pink moved to where George had cleared a space, laid down and rolled on her side with one large front paw holding her head, her elbow making a small indentation in the hard ground. She continued but in a slightly quieter and more frightened tone of voice. “Dragon Black passed a law that all dragons were to lose the ability to fly” she continued, “and his rules are not to be challenged, for those who do, they just disappear, never to be seen again.” Dragon Pink gave a massive yawn, placed her head upon the floor, closed her eyes and just before falling asleep whispered “I only wish he could be replaced with someone kinder.”

  “Come on you two” George moved alo
ngside Dragon Pink where his blanket lay and settled down for what was left of the night. “We have a big day tomorrow, it is very late, let’s all get some sleep.” Joel and Grace responded by cuddling up together, whilst Zach moved closer to his super pal, George. By the warmth of the dragon heated rocks they all fell into a deep sleep.


  Lies and more lies

  Dragon Brown had adjourned to a side chamber of the Main Hall with a number of dragons following at his heels. Although suspicious of Green’s interpretation of events and what appeared to be such a gigantic injury that would have laid any other dragon out for weeks, Brown decided to give him the benefit of doubt. “Green, I need you to monitor the invading army and its progress so that we can ensure our defences are in place. I recommend that you take Dragon Yellow and you both get as close to their camp and report back to me their every movements.” Dragon Yellow had tried to remain inconspicuous as he was a real coward and was surprised at being conscripted into Brown’s newly formed army.

  Yellow’s body shivered in fear, “I’m afraid I can’t assist” Yellow snorted, “I have a bad cold, my flame is very, very weak and almost nonexistent, got spots developing all over me and I have a bad back.” Dragon Brown ignored Yellow’s excuses. “You always have a bad back and a cold so what’s new, and we all have problems with our flames, that’s why every dragon has to do their duty, and there will be no exceptions.” Yellow’s jaw dropped open in dismay, he usually got out of anything that was dangerous or even mildly challenging, but here was Dragon Brown, who seemed to be in total command, ordering him into what he thought to be imminent death.

  Dragon Green was studying the unfolding events intently. What was he to do? He surely could not have any dragon too close to him, especially now when things were going so well and definitely not anywhere near him while he was conjuring up more imaginative stories. But then he had a ‘Dragon Brainwave’.

  Yellow was really a big coward, he would not want to go anywhere near any enemy or any dangerous situation and if given the opportunity would hide or take the easy way out.

  Green decided to take charge of the situation. “Come on Dragon Yellow, we’ll keep out of sight and at a safe distance and just observe and study the invaders.” Green’s little brain was working overtime. “I’ll get the closest to the enemy’s camp and report things back to you so that you in turn can take the information back to Dragon Brown. You’ll be a sort of special messenger.”

  Green had made his mind up that Yellow would be no threat to his aim of being the only hero of the day. And Dragon Yellow, he was relieved to know he would be at a safe distance from any danger. Brown, with another deep frown appearing across the top of his forehead, scrutinised both dragons and in a commanding voice barked. “So what are you waiting for? GO!” And with the command resonating in both dragons’ ears, they were just about to scurry away when they both spied Dragon Gold in the distance.

  Brown, for a brief moment thought as to how and why Dragon Green had changed, why was he being so helpful and agreeable? But Brown’s thoughts were immediately interrupted by Dragon Gold’s noisy clanging chain of office bouncing from side to side as he ran into the chamber with great urgency. “We have a horrendous problem now” he gasped. “The hospital has reported that all dragons carrying the black spot plague have lost their ability to shoot flames and that every dragon on Draegonia has now become infected.”

  Gold continued in a hurried and fearful voice “Dragon Black has decided that the invaders are probably using chemical warfare and that their leaders must be taken alive in order that we can obtain an antidote from them.” There was a mumbling from several on-looking dragons, each carrying the black spots and all having trouble to spit flame and fire.

  Brown listened intently to Dragon Gold, his eyes narrowing, his furrowed brow deepening further as he had two major challenges facing him. The first was to identify who, out of the recently reported hundreds of invaders, their leaders may be and secondly what type of antidote would they have and how was he to obtain it.

  Gold continued, “Also, Dragon Black wants you to put Dragon Green in charge of capturing their commander in chief,” Gold paused, “that’s if they have one.”

  Dragon Green preened himself. He was to be put in charge. And before any dragon, especially Dragon Brown, could raise an objection, Green pushed Dragon Yellow through the chamber exit. On exiting into the street Green issued an order to Dragon Yellow to follow him. They headed at great speed to where Dragon Green earlier had seen flashes of tiny white and the occasional reddish sparkling lights. After what seemed ages, both dragons came within ‘Dragon Seconds’ of where four children and a pink dragon were still all curled up and fast asleep.

  Yellow grabbed Green’s arm and both dragons came to an abrupt stop. “Look you were attacked,” Yellow puffed, “and only just managed to get away, what good will it do for both of us to get captured or worse?”

  Green was hanging on to every word spoken by Yellow, for he was also concerned but for different reasons. He had lied about being attacked and as with all lies it required more lies to continue such fabrication. What was he going to do? Another plan formed in Green’s brain: he would leave Yellow and go on ahead to reconnoitre, he would then come back and provide information for Yellow to take back. If anything went wrong he would say that Yellow had misinformed or made it up to get out of actually fighting the invaders. Yellow, he knew, was a coward at heart and would be only too pleased to wait in safety and let him take the decisions and all the risk.

  “OK, Yellow, you stay here, I’ll obtain the intelligence for you to return it to The Council of Dragons and you can take all the credit, as I am already considered a hero,” Green slyly pontificated. Without any further chat, Green trotted off towards the area where he had earlier that night had seen the sparkling lights, leaving Dragon Yellow mopping his sweating brow and breathing a huge sigh of relief.

  Whilst all this was going on Dragon Pink had stirred from her sleep. She could see the first few rays of the early morning sun painting the black sky with shades of orange. Not wishing to awaken the four children, she slid quietly away from their rocky enclosure. So silent was she that Dragon Green never heard or saw her but, as he crept silently over the brow of the ridge separating the children’s camp site from the two dragons, he spied four unusual beings curled up and asleep around a pile of now, not so hot, rocks.

  What were they? Were these part of the invading army that he had reported and where were the rest of them? Green shuddered. Was this all, had he made a huge mistake? He crept nearer for a closer look and as he did so caught his foot in a crevice that hurled him head over heels sprawling on the hard ground and with a massive thump came to rest behind some very tall thick bushes. Four startled children jumped up. One screamed, one shouted, one yelled and the other, George, waving his arms furiously, picking up a stick, hurtled some 20 meters towards where Green was nursing some bruises.

  Green saw George and the other creatures racing towards him and assumed this was the beginning of a fearsome attack. He immediately jumped up, did a one hundred and eighty degree full turn in mid air and hurtled back in the direction from which he had come. The four children stopped in their tracks looking on in amazement and as the green dragon disappeared from view, chattered vigorously, interrupting each other, about what they had just seen.

  What had become of the pink dragon, had it been a dream? No it couldn’t have as they had all just seen a green acrobatic dragon, jump from the ground, do a mid-air turn and then disappear from view. What was this island and why were there so many dragons of different colours? And how many more would they come across? The three stragglers (they just could not keep up with George) were now in deep conversation. Joel, interjecting that he was hungry and wanting his food, Zach intent in fighting off any more intruding dragons, Grace raising question after question without waiting for an answer, was soon rejoined by an out of breath George, who quickly restored some order.
br />   In the distance, and out of sight of the four, two dragons, Yellow and Green, collided with each other. Just as Yellow had thought he was safe and preparing to settle down for Green’s return, a fleeing Dragon Green looking more over his shoulder than where he was going, ran straight into him.

  “Quick,” Dragon Green yelled, “Get back to Dragon Brown tell him that we have four of the invaders cornered and that after a short battle, WE have frightened the army into retreat and as we speak now, they are leaving the island!” Green had decided that he had made a grave error in making everyone believe there were hundreds of troops but on seeing the size of the four (unbeknown to him) children, he could imagine that such an army of little people would have run, on seeing two dragons such as Yellow and him. Yellow picked himself up, looked at Green in disbelief and said,” What do you mean we?” “Well” responded Green, “do you want to have everyone believe you did nothing but sit on your haunches whilst I fought them off on my own, do you want everyone to think” Green paused and with a faint smile continued, “that you were a coward and did not try to help? Or would you like to take some of the credit and inform the Council of Dragons and Dragon Brown of our heroism and your part in cornering the invaders’ command centre?”

  Yellow did not want his true yellow colour to reflect his image or reputation; he wanted to be brave but never quite managed to be. Yes, he would run with the message and he would take any glory that Green was so magnificently sharing. “Right, I’m off and will get assistance, how many will it take to bring back the four and are they the ones in charge?” Green thought for a brief moment then again with a rye smile said. “Tell them we have, no you have immobilised them and that they have no fight left in them. Inform Dragon Brown we should only need Dragons White and Physician Grey and on your return with them, the four of us will round up the invading generals and bring them in.” Yellow started with some haste to run back to the centre and turning slightly, shouted over his shoulder “But what did I do to assist you?” Green’s answer was short and to the point, “You did everything to chase the army off the island, just make it up.” Yellow was running so fast that he did not realise he was being unfortunately set up and that very soon he would be made to look very foolish.